This course is distrupting the traditional Front-end and Back-end technologies, as well as a great understanding of web architecture, like server, database, and Application Programming Interface (API), etc.

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Median Salary

More Job Openings by 2027

70 to 85%
Growth by 2027







Full stack development refers to the development of both the front-end and back-end of a web application or website. Now, what does full stack mean? A software stack is the collection of multiple components in a software application that works together to ensure the application’s smooth running. This includes software products, patches, coding frameworks, servers, operating systems, database tools, and so on. To facilitate user interaction, to run calculations, and to power back-end functions, these components are on top of the other: a “full stack.”



Intern Program

When you graduate, you could work remotely GreaterHeight Academy for up to 3–4 months as a paid intern.

Tuition Reimbursement

If you do not land a job as a developer, we’ll completely refund your tuition within 180 days of graduating. This may include full-time, contract-to-hire, contractor, and internship positions

Guaranteed Job

Lunch your new career in software engineering with the support of our career counselors through every step of the job search. In fact, we may hire a number of our exemplary graduates.


Evidence to validate our graduates' peerless programming skills & determination. Traditional university degrees don't matter much for programming careers; skills and experience do.

1-on-1 Mentorship

You will get one-on-one help from our mentor(s) and student instructors who review your code and all of your exercises and project assignments

Develop Your Skill

Build production-grade websites, APIs, and data-driven Apps while collaborating with classmates on a range of projects.







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Educators First,
Developers Second

Education is about more than conveying information - it's about understanding how people think, learn, and truly grasp the material at hand. We understand that every new concept requires a unique approach, and that even the most advanced subject-matter experts must also be well-trained educators to produce great results. That's why all of our Lead Instructors are experienced educators as well as professional developers.

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Custom Curriculum Created
by Expert Educators

The GreaterHeight Academyprogram is designed and taught by our educator/developer Lead Instructors. Together, we created our curriculum using educational best practices and careful consideration of how people learn and retain information. We've debated every facet of our methodology, from the order in which to teach concepts and the analogies used to clarify them to how exercises should be structured to deliver the maximum educational punch.

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Keep Your Day Job While
You Switch Careers

We believe that you don't need to quit your day job and put your life on hold to learn to code. We're often asked how we cover on a part-time basis what other programs need full time to accomplish. The answer is that with an excellent curriculum and top-notch educators like ours, you can learn more in less time. Our graduates have proven this again and again.




Career Services

Our experienced team works directly with each student to ensure they are able to excel in their career search and negotiate multiple offers.


Online Presence

By graduation, you will have a strong, unique Full Stack Web Developer portfolio, online profiles and a resume that reflects your value in the job market.



Graduate Hiring Guaranteed



Avg Graduate Salary



Partners & Collaborators


Online Presence

Our instructional staff conducts mock interviews, training exercises and role-play sessions designed to help you tackle the job interview.







Program Roadmap



GreaterHeight Prep

4 Weeks

Lay your foundation and prepare to apply for the immersive program.

12 to 17 Weeks

Precourse (Self-Study)

50 to 80 Hours

Once you’ve been accepted, ramp up your skills to prepare for the GreaterHeight Academy.

Immersive Program Onsite or Remote

11 Wks + Solo Wk

Learn full Stack JavaScript through pair programming, developing real applications and the most refined, up-to-date curriculum.

Career Services

1 Week

During this week you’ll learn how to interview and negotiate, while building your online presence.


Job Search

3 to 6 Months

You find and apply to the companies of your dreams, while we help you negotiate and leverage our extensive hiring network.





The pre-course work is delivered up to 8 weeks prior to your start date. This gives you a strong foundation, and prepares you for an incredibly intense learning experience.

  • The Modern web development work environment
  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript

In the first week, you’ll be immersed in learning the fundamental concepts and strategies considered best practices in the software engineering industry.

  • Basic and advanced data structures
  • Thinking like an engineer
  • Using JS instantiation patterns

Learn Full Stack JavaScript in 5 weeks in the context of working on realistic code bases.

  • Mastering Javascript essentials
  • Client & Server Side concepts
  • Database & Deployment technologies


Get some rest and work on an individual project. There are no scheduled lectures during Solo Week.


Work in teams that resemble industry standards to develop functional applications. Work with new technologies and put your bug testing to good use.

In the last week, you’ll prepare for the job search by doing practice interviews, learning negotiation tactics and updating your resume and online presence.

  • Build an Application from scratch
  • Use new languages & technologies
  • Learn advanced team dynamics such as agile workflow and iterative developement





At GreaterHeight Academy, we focus on five core technical skills that each of our graduates will master. These crucial skills follow:






To become an exemplary web programmer (that is, a developer with the confidence to develop just about any application you have to develop and the expertise to solve the real-world programming challenges you will encounter in your career) you must have outstanding problem-solving skills. Our curriculum focuses heavily on helping you improve your problem-solving skills to become a highly skilled problem solver.


UI Development

To become one of the best developers in the world, which we train you to be, you must have the skills and confidence to develop nearly every kind of UI using only HTML and CSS. Indeed, by the time you graduate from GreaterHeight Academy you will become a master UI developer, and you will possess a comprehensive portfolio that substantiates your exceptional UI development skills.



We expect you to graduate with confidence and expertise in the programming language or languages you need to succeed at on your chosen career path. Specifically, if you take our frontend development program, you will learn nearly the entire JavaScript language—every crucial JavaScript concept relevant to frontend development. We expect you to become a confident and formidable JavaScript developer.


Domain Proficiency

We help you acquire deep knowledge and proficiency in your area of specialization. If your focus is frontend development, we teach you the tools, techniques, and technologies used by professional, top-level frontend developers and we expect you to be skilled in those technologies and tools.


Written Communication

We don’t only want you to become an exceptional programmer and UI developer; we also want you to excel in your career and in life. Accordingly, we teach you crucial fundamentals and secret techniques that will help you markedly improve your written communications skill, a virtue that will reward you in myriad ways and over your lifetime, not just in your web programming career.



Software Technical Writing

Improve your technical writing skills to pursue or enhance a career in technical writing. Learn to write software documentation primarily for a technical audience, including the application of technical writing techniques to software application documentation, software development tools, Application Programming Interfaces (API), programming and scripting languages, and system administration tools. Through lecture, discussion and hands-on learning, you gain an understanding of the principles, practice and process of documenting software.




Gain the skills you need to land a mobile, web, cloud and enterprise development and software engineering position. GreaterHeight Academy teaches the in-demand skills you need to build interactive website and web applications. In just 6 to 12 months, you will learn the following from fundamentals through advance, depending on your receptivenes to teaching and mentoring:



A Full Stack Web Developer is the go-to expert that companies rely on to build, support and maintain their web applications. GreaterHeight Academy with our industry partners, have carefully crafted the ideal curriculum to set you up for success in this critical role.

You will hone your understanding of how the web works, develop complex relational databases used to store applications data, secure and configure your own web servers, and build complete web application tiers using Java or .NET/C# or Python with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL.

At GreaterHeight Academy, we build our foundation on three of the most critical and in-demand programing languages used today: .NET/C#, Java and Python. These stable, proven, and in high demand languages serve to support some of the biggest companies in the world.

Not only are these languages proven, but they continue to grow. As companies move out of the start-up phase and into long-term growth, they need the languages that will scale with them. That’s where these languages, and your skills, are so critical.

In addition to being in demand, learning these languages also gives you flexibility for example, .NET/C#, Java are based on the C language, so your skills are easily transferable between both stacks as well as C++ and Objective-C.






Develop the skills professional developers use every day and complete several challenging projects so you can demonstrate in-demand skills. In the process of creating these projects, you’ll build a portfolio of examples to showcase your talent to potential employers.


What is a Captone Project?

Also called a capstone experience, culminating project, or senior exhibition, among many other terms, a capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for......


Master the universal language of the web like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Learn how to create advanced interactive web experiences with JavaScript and other robust web and apps programming languages.

Solution Projects

At Greaterheight Academy any body can master the universal language of the web like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Learn how to create advanced interactive web experiences with JavaScript and other robust web and apps programming languages.



Mobile Recharge

Online Mobile Recharge is a web-based application developed in ASP.NET to recharge mobile phones. The project focuses at providing an easy and reliable platform to recharge mobile of any telecommunication company through online without buying recharge card. The registered users of the system can recharge their prepaid mobile phones from anywhere at any time. The proposed project for recharging mobiles developed to automate the mobile recharging process. It roots out the manual card system of recharge and introduces a new and genuine online recharge process. The online mobile recharge system is beneficial to both the admins and users. Using the online application, the admin can add new operators, tariff plans, offers and update or modify the existing tariff plans.


Matrimonial Portal Project

This online matrimonial site is mainly developed to let individual find their potential matches for marriage according to their priorities set. This project allows the phrase ‘Marriages are made in heaven’ to be rephrased as ‘Marriages are now made online’. This application allows to browse profiles of those who have registered themselves on this site. This allows individual to give their information such as Name, Gender, Religion, Caste, Marital status, Current salary, Occupation etc. This application also allows to upload photo of the individual registering and also allows to upload kundali picture of the individual. The person looking for marriage can register and search for a profile that matches their requirement.


Online Cake Shop System

It is a system that allows users to check for various cakes available at the online store and purchase online. The project consists of list of Cakes and bakery products displayed in various categories. The user may browse through these items as per categories. If the user likes a product he may add it to his shopping cart. He may even pay through a credit card or cash on delivery. Once the user makes a successful transaction he gets a copy of the shopping receipt on his email id. User has also option for ordering custom cakes according to their requirements like cake’s flavor, size, shape and so on. Thus the online Cake shopping project brings an entire cake shop online and makes it easy for both buyer and seller.



Learn from skilled Senior Data Scientist and Architects with professional experience in their fields.



Segun Samuel



Samuel Akinyele



Kola Owolabi






Kunle Williams



Emmanuella Onigbanjo



Oluwaseun O.









Beyond the classroom, the Apprenticeship emphasizes real-world work experience, collaboration with a team of developers, project planning and management, and pair programming, as well as interview and resume preparation. By building professional experience into the GreaterHeight Academy program, we ensure that our developers continue to grow after class-room interactions. Every day apprenticing makes you more competitive in the industry and more likely to land the Software Engineering position of your dreams.



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Our independent GreaterHeight Technologies, GreaterHeight Technologies, to provide GreaterHeight Academy graduates with the professional experience they need to launch their coding careers. Our developers deliver polished web applications to clients.

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Work Alongside
Experienced Devs

During your Full Stack Web Developement apprenticeship, you'll pair program with the agency's more experienced Business Analyst. This opportunity allows apprentices to learn from senior devs hands-on, plus gain experience programming in pairs - a common industry practice.

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Job Prep

Your apprenticeship with Greaterheight Academy also includes our three-part job-prep curriculum. You'll learn how to land interviews, improve the soft skills employers look for, and master Full Stack Web Development and technical topics likely to come up in interviews.






Guaranteed way to gain real-world experience in your new profession and build an impressive Full Stack Web Developer portfolio.


Learn skills you can't get in a classroom: team collaboration, working with clients, agile, and more.


Gain knowledge from experienced professional developers throughout your apprenticeship.


Gain confidence and prove to yourself that you are now a professional Full Stack Web Developer.














Financing Available

Financing plans available through Greaterheight Academy and our hand-selectd financing partners, Skins Funds. Repayment period ranged from 0-5years with monthly payments as low as N20,000.00. Contact your Student Advisor for details.

We stand by your results

Get a job creating software upon graduation, or we will refund your tuition in full. See details



Payment Plans

Tuition can be paid upfront or over six installments. The installment plan: one payment of 50% of the program cost fee upon enrollment, and monthly installments of 10% until the Tuition is fully paid. We accept credit cards, debit cards, checks, and PayPal.


Diversity and Merit Based Scholarships available. Attend an info session to learn more.

Refund Policy

We'll provide you with a full refund if you drop out within 7 days of starting your course. If you choose to drop out later, you will receive a pro-rated refund based on the number of days you've spent in the program, minus a non-refundable 10% of program cost fee.





Need payment assistant? or financing options allow you to focus on you goals instead of the barrier that stop you from reaching them.




Future Finance
Apply for fixed and term based merit loan





Let us figure out the best option for you.







Dive deep into the curriculum, the course structure, and what you can achieve from a course mentor.

See if this program is a fit for you. Meet the GreaterHeight team, get an overview of the program curriculum, and chat with other students thinking about this program.





Become A Full Stack Web Developer information Session






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We love questions, almost as much as we love providing answers. Here are a few samplings of what we're typically asked, along with our responses.


Q.Why are the skills relevant today?
Because we Create dynamic, innovative products with our Full Stack Web Developers, and we have Professionals as instructors.
Q.What practical skill set can I expect to have upon completion of this course?
By the end of this course you will be able to Translate problems into graphs and encode the procedures that search the solutions with the graph data structures as a Full Stack Web Developer.
Q.Who will I be sitting next to in the course?
Creative, dynamic, and serious minded Student, Managers in various fields, Developers and Networking students that are looking forward to be porfessionals Android Development.
Q.What can I expect to accomplish by the end of this course?

By the end of this course, You'll develop a solid foundation for working with servers and host configurations, performing database integrations, and creating dynamic, data-driven websites.

  • Learn the foundations of programming for full stack developers.

  • Practice with a variety of popular platforms in full stack developer careers.

  • Explore core server languages like PHP, Node.js, .NET,and Ruby on Rails.


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call us at
+234 (0) 809 199 9991

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