You’ll learn how to interpret data plots and understand core data visualization concepts such as correlation, linear relationships, and log scales. Through interactive exercises, you’ll also learn how to explore the relationship between two continuous variables using scatter plots and line plots. You'll explore data on life expectancies, technology adoption, COVID-19 coronavirus cases, and Swiss juvenile offenders. Next you’ll be introduced to two other popular visualizations—bar plots and dot plots—often used to examine the relationship between categorical variables and continuous variables. Here, you'll explore famous athletes, health survey data, and the price of a Big Mac around the world.
Scatter plots
Interpreting scatter plots
Trends with scatter plots
Line plots
Interpreting line plots
Logarithmic scales for line plots
Line plots without dates on the x-axis
Bar plots
Interpreting bar plots
Interpreting stacked bar plots
Dot plots
Interpreting dot plots
Sorting dot plots